Darwin’s Game Wikia

Tower (タワー) was one of the Guards.


Tower was large and muscular with short hair. It is unknown what he usually wears as he was shown only wearing pants since he was working out.


According to Witch, Tower thought of things too simplistically, causing her to be unable to seem him as an equal. He enjoyed working out, telling Witch that it could solve all problems. In this first appearance, Tower was shown talking normally instead of using Greed information synchronization. As with the other Guards he had no qualms about giving his life in service to the Greed king.


Greed D: As a Greed D, Tower had command over other Greed such as Greed S.

Titanfall (巨人の拳(タイタンフォール)): Titanfall allowed Tower to manipulate solid matter within a 20 meter radius. He was shown using it by touching objects though it is unknown if he could use his feet as well. Seigen mentioned that he'd used it to collapse the ground and create spikes, and had used it in the current time to create a giant serpent out of the ground. As he needs to touch the object he's manipulating, he was vulnerable when he couldn't touch anything, and his creation had been destroyed using Azazel.

